Each franchise is likely to get Rs. 256,697,094 out of the total revenue pool for the franchises which stands at Rs. 1,540,182,564. As per the reports, the franchises have expressed concerns considering their pool is Rs. 30,000,000 less compared to last year. One of the most important reasons for this is the postponement of the final stages of the tournament. As compared to the first stages, the last few matches generate more revenue.
The PCB will get Rs. 627,612,185 and it will pay Rs. 109,656,474 as broadcasting tax and Rs. 14,304,348 as sponsorship tax. Below are all the details and revenues made from different sources:
Total Revenue | PCB’s Share | Franchises’ Share | |
Ticket Sales | Rs. 362,036,000 | Rs. 108,610,800 (30%) | Rs. 253,425,200 |
TV Broadcast Rights (Pakistan) | Rs. 1,137,011,806 | Rs. 56,850,590 (5%) | Rs. 1,080,161,261 |
TV Broadcast Rights (Overseas) | Rs. 206,285,294 | Rs. 10,314,265 (5%) | Rs. 195,971,029 |
Title Sponsorship | Rs. 483,823,529 | Rs. 193,529,412 (40%) | Rs. 290,294,117 |
Gold Sponsorship | Rs. 150,208,363 | Rs. 60,083,345 (40%) | Rs. 90,125,018 |
Silver Sponsorship | Rs. 133,820,037 | Rs. 53,528,015 (40%) | Rs. 80,292,022 |
Umpire Sponsorship | Rs. 54,033,266 | Rs. 21,613,306 (40%) | Rs. 32,419,960 |
Production Entertainment Sponsorship | Rs. 98,489,118 | Rs. 4,924,456 (5%) | Rs. 93,564,662 |
Digital Live Streaming (Pakistan) | Rs. 124,037,647 | Rs. 6,201,882 (5%) | Rs. 117,835,765 |
Digital Live Streaming (Overseas) | Rs. 46,477,896 | Rs. 2,323,895 (5%) | Rs. 44,154,001 |
Radio Rights (Pakistan & Overseas) | Rs. 17,226,192 | Rs. 861,310 (5%) | Rs. 16,364,882 |
Wireless Mobile Telephone Rights | Rs. 8,321,029 | Rs. 416,051 (5%) | Rs. 7,904,978 |
In-stadium Catch & Win | Rs. 51,470,404 | Rs. 20,588,162 (40%) | Rs. 30,882,242 |
Graphic Interchange Rights | Rs. 46,741,626 | Rs. 18,696,650 (40%) | Rs. 28,044,976 |
Strategic Timeout Sponsorship | Rs. 17,155,699 | Rs. 6,862,280 (40%) | Rs. 10,293,419 |
Truck Branding | Rs. 15,097,015 | Rs. 6,038,806 (40%) | Rs. 9,058,209 |
Virtual Advertising | Rs. 11,620,126 | Rs. 4,648,050 (40%) | Rs. 6,972,076 |
Fantasy App | Rs. 12,408,000 | Rs. 4,963,200 (40%) | Rs. 7,444,800 |
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